Form Validation

BootstrapVue does not include form validation by default; we leave that up to the many existing form validation plugins. Below are some examples of plugins and how they may be integrated.


Vuelidate provides "Simple, lightweight model-based validation for Vue.js". Installation instructions and other documentation can be found at their website.

Vuelidate example

This example shows how to add different validation and feedback to two form fields, as well as dynamically disable the submit button based on the form validity.

This is a verbose example designed to show how BootstrapVue and Vuelidate interact; in larger applications, you'd likely want to abstract some of the functionality, such as creating a standard error message component.

VeeValidate v2

VeeValidate is a plugin for Vue.js that allows you to validate input fields and display errors. It has full support for Vue I18n and provides fairly good out of the box error messages.


You must configure vee-validate's fields property or it will conflict with the :fields property of <b-table> (and possibly other components) when it injects itself.

import Vue from 'vue'
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'

Vue.use(VeeValidate, {
  // This is the default
  inject: true,
  // Important to name this something other than 'fields'
  fieldsBagName: 'veeFields',
  // This is not required but avoids possible naming conflicts
  errorBagName: 'veeErrors'

VeeValidate v2 example

VeeValidate v3

VeeValidate is a plugin for Vue.js that allows you to validate input fields and display errors. It has full support for Vue I18n and provides fairly good out of the box error messages.

VeeValidate v3 example